Harley's Story
Harley's family visited the Cotswolds in July 2024.

Last Easter Harley (now 13) was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in his sacrum. Up until this point Harley was an extremely keen sportsman, especially football being a goalkeeper for Aston Villa.
His journey has been a tough one. Chemo made him extremely poorly and the pain from the tumour would leave him screaming on the floor in agony.
Initial chemotherapy didn’t work so he was put onto second line chemo where fortunately the tumour stabilised. Unfortunately for Harley the damage had already been done and the growth in the first period meant the operation to save him would be huge and very risky.
We were told before surgery that Harley would be a fulltime wheelchair user and would lose the use of his bladder and bowel.
His operation was one of a kind, lasting 2 whole days. Only being bought into intensive care after the first night so the surgeons could go home and sleep!
A miracle happened and they were able to save some of the nerves so he is now able to walk a few steps with crutches which is more than we could have hoped for, but still an incredibly bitter pill to swallow for such a fit active young man who’s whole life has been dedicated to sport.
Harley will never run again or be able to play his beloved football or rugby, so we need to try and find him new hobbies now.
Harley has just finished an intense neuro rehabilitation block at Bristol children’s hospital, so this will be the perfect break for us all to get away and relax.
Thank you to BSF for this time away