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Belle's Story

Belle's family visited Ben's Retreat in September 2024.

In November 2022 my only/younger sister Belle got diagnosed with AML Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, she was only 19.

She turned 20 a month after her diagnoses and she went on to have chemotherapy. After her first round she was in remission and told that no cancer was present, she went on to have 6 rounds of chemo and after everyone there was no cancer, she was told that to keep the cancer away for as long as possible she would have to have a stem cell transplant which would pro long her life she had this done in June 2023, it was all successful and the stem cell transplant had worked.

In August 2023 Belle became ill and ended up in a induced coma for 2 weeks when she came out of her coma we thought that she was getting better it turns out she wasn’t she had caught neutropenic sepsis and her organs were slowly shutting down.

We were told the sad news that Belle wasn’t going to make it and only had a few days to live, Belle took her last 3 breaths in our mothers arms and passed away peacefully on 18th September 2023 ( our mothers 50th birthday).

We are all still dealing with the loss of my sister and it doesn’t get any easier knowing she isn’t coming back she was such a beautiful soul we all miss her terribly🤍

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