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Jude's Story

Jude's family visited the Lodge in October 2023.

Jude was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) on 3rd July 2023, his diagnosis changed his and our lives overnight. One day he was jumping around in his grandparents garden, the next day he was complaining of hip pain and struggling to walk.

A trip to A&E and some blood tests later and we were told the news. Jude was moved to the RVI in Newcastle (an hour away from home) to begin his treatment immediately with the insertion of a portacath and intense chemotherapy starting.

After a week we discovered his type of leukemia had the Iamp21 chromosome which meant he needed even stronger treatment.

Luckily we were able to return home after 10 days where we continued his treatment. He attends weekly clinics at the RVI to receive his chemotherapy now which will continue for the next two years.

Jude is still unable to weight bare so uses a wheelchair, but this does not stop him enjoying trips to the beach and he has even started to return to school for an hour a day while he builds his strength back up. A lot has been thrown at Jude in the past few months but he has handled all his treatment so far without complaint and is getting stronger every day.

Thanks to the foundation for this lovely break.

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