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Finley's Story

Finley's family visited Ben's Retreat in October 2023.

Finley’s having a really tough journey and we wish the whole family well, we hope they have a lovely time 💕

Finley's official journey started before he was 2.
Unfortunately, we knew something wasn't quite right. Having taken him to the Dr's and hospital on more than one occasion and waiting to get a physio appointment for 22 weeks.

We finally saw somebody who initially told us some children decide to stop using their limbs (during the 22weeks of waiting Finley had stopped using his left arm), we were told to return in a couple of weeks when we were told they thought he had cerebral palsy then another week later that it wouldn't get worse BUT it already had.

We finally got a referral. This finally led to a scan.
Finley was now 2.

I can still remember being sat in the room waiting and being introduced to the Oncology Dr at our local hospital. That feeling will never disappear when you hear those words.
We were then blue lighted to St George's, which was a bit of a blur staying for a night, then sent to Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Finley underwent 2 de bulks here.
The tumour was overtaking, being half of his brain. I still find it difficult to look at that first scan.

The team was amazing in getting 70% of the tumour removed, and then he started his roller coaster chemo journey.

Then, he had a slight rest from it even though we knew the tumour was growing again.
He then had another round of chemo.
Another break, then another round during lockdown.

Each time, he's always had a smile on his face.
I'm so lucky to say he loves hospitals as everybody has always been amazing.

Finley's currently on another medication, which he has to take every day. It comes with many side effects, which cause a lot of issues.

His previous scan was stable, which was good as the scan prior to this had shown growth of 40%. So we are hoping for a reduction but will be happy with another stable.

This stay couldn't have come at a better time for us to be a family making memories and not having to think about the results for a few more days.

Thank you to the foundation for this time together

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