Harvey's Story
Harvey's family visited the Lodge in June 2023.

Harvey was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia on the 30th January 2019, he had just turned 7 on the 9th. At the beginning of January 2019 Harvey was very pale, tired and not eating much. He also complained he had pains in his tummy a lot.( We was told later that the pains in his tummy was because his spleen was enlarged.)
We took him to the local hospital but the doctor wasn't concerned about him and even said he probably didn't want to go to school and sent him home!
About a week later Harvey hadn't improved, so I took him to the GP. She was shocked how pale he looked and booked a blood test for the next morning.
I had convinced myself it was probably low iron.
After the blood test Harvey went to school and I went to work. When I finished work there was a voice message on my mobile from the GP to say I needed to bring Harvey straight up has some of his blood
results where abnormal.
I raced to the school to pick Harvey up, and went straight to the GP. She told me she had booked a bed at the local hospital and to go straight there. I asked her what was wrong with him she said that he would need more tests. I asked her if it was cancer? She said it could be but it could be an infection.
At the hospital Harvey had more blood tests, a chest xray and iv fluids.
The next day the doctors came to see us and told us Harvey had Leukaemia and that there was a bed waiting at Birmingham Children's Hospital.
Our world came crashing down how could our little boy have cancer. He had never been ill before or been in hospital.
That afternoon he was blue lighted to BCH. We had a meeting with the consutant but it just seemed unreal a blur.
The next day Harvey had a hickmen line fitted, a bone marrow aspiration and his 1st dose of chemo injected into his spinal fluid.
Harvey amazed the doctors and we only spent a week in hospital and went home.
But then the roller coaster began.
Endless amounts of chemotherapy sometimes 3 times a week plus all the chemo tablets every night at home , Anaesthetics, Bone Marrow Aspirates, Lumbar Punctures, blood tests, injections, losing all his hair numerous times, the awful steroids which stopped him walking, blood transfusions and admissions to hospital for temperatures, infections and viruses.
Harvey's treatment lasted 3 and half years. And to this day we don't how he got through it.
He has amazed us with his courage, strength, bravery and determination. We are so proud of our Son and we are honoured to be his Mummy and Daddy.
Harvey rang the end of treatment bell in August 2022.
He his doing really well and is on 6 monthly check ups now and it will soon be a year since finishing treatment.
Also Harvey is starting secondary school this September and he can't wait!
We are so greatful for the NHS and all the doctors, nurses and the rest of the staff for their expertise, care and kindness given to Harvey and us, we will be forever in their debt.
Thank you for giving us this lovely weekend away, it is much appreciated and you are all superstars.
The Ellis family.💛💛💛