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William's Story

William's family visited Ben's Retreat in August 2023.

William's journey began in Dec 2019 with a cough that didn't clear followed by fatigue, weight loss & breathlessness.
Following blood tests and a trip to the paediatric assessment centre locally, our World fell apart that night when we were told William had a mass sitting around his heart and windpipe.
He was rushed to Bristol where he was stabalised before treatment could start in the New Year.
He had a good response to chemotherapy but not long after finishing treatment William started to suffer fatigue, breathlessness and chest pains. Further scans showed an area of concern and he was placed under 'watch and wait' for 18 months.
In Feb 2022 further chemotherapy commenced in preparation for Stem Cell Transplant.
Its been a long, tough journey with William determined to carry on 'normally' throughout, attending school at every stage possible, sitting his exams while undergoing intense conditioning chemotherapy and transplant and even though last Summer was mostly been spent in hospital with infections, he started college last September with his peers and although there have been bumps along the road health wise, William looks forward to every day with a smile on his face.
Looking forward to this break has been such a huge highlight for him as last year he was too unwell to make the break planned with BSF as a family, instead this year, it's a fantastic opportunity for a break with friends and we can't thank you all enough!

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